Thursday, November 10, 2011

Penn State 2011 And Mercyhurst 2003: Similar Revelations

Is it really all that different? Sure, a few of the details are different... and people seem to actually believe these boys. Good. They deserve all the support we can give them. But is anyone truly surprised by this? As long as we allow men like Jerry Sandusky and William Garvey, men in positions of power, to have the opportunity, privacy and access to exert their influence over our children, our children are not safe. Coaches have an unusual amount of power. The children are young, naive and have been conditioned to please these coaches. That some of these men turn this to their own advantage is not surprising. Sick. But not surprising.

My heart goes out to these latest victims. That this continues to occur sickens me.

It is unfortunate that Garvey couldn't be prosecuted and that those in power at Mercyhurst didn't take responsibility and were not held responsible. Let's see how Penn State handles it.


Anonymous said...

found your blog after reading a comment on the huffpost, someone asking if anyone knew where where garvey was. what happened to garvey, was he ever made to pay for his crimes? T'mara

Anonymous said...

Nothing happened to Garvey. He resigned his position at Mercyhurst, purportedly not because of the allegations against him but the timing would imply otherwise. The statute of limitations prohibited any criminal proceedings and a civil case never materialized. At present Garvey is remains an important and prominent figure in Erie. He has been totally "whitewashed".
For more on Garvey just do a search on the Erie Times-News website. He is a regular news item.

Anonymous said...

So what are we to think about this? He will have access to children again. We should be screaming. I have but no one is responding.

Erie School District to hire William Garvey's think tank
Posted in the Erie Forum

Anonymous said...

Garvey has died and Mercyhurst has finally taken the first initial steps in removing his legacy from the university. Where do we now go from here in 2018 and beyond?

Anonymous said...

Just finished reading Chuck Rosenthals book. If you haven't read it you need to. Unbelievable what Mercyhurst and the Erie Diocese knew about these pedophiles and did absolutely nothing about. Lies, cover-ups and payouts while the abusers continued to destroy innocent lives. I hope after the grand jury report at least some accusers are brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

Garvey was a faggot from day one. Fr Fischer, who lived on Ash St, almost across the street from tommy nies..he was a doosh who knew what was happening. Picture both in your mind, the two garv and fischer look like downtown faggots....fischer would take the money that was given to altar bpoys by wedding party and keep it for himself...the real truth hwere is that religion is bulshit and all those nuns and priest were bullshit...

Sisyter theresa was the principal, mean and complicit..

Poor mr, Norm Vincent, the janitor, he had a broom closet next to downstairs locker room, green uniform. shower was a cross from locker room

Garvb would line up players regularly for what he called "jockstrap checks" and hernioa checks...he would ogle and fondle your nutsack...THAT is SEXUAL abuse and anybody and everybody who played for garv.....was sexually abused..they just don't/didn't have the balls to say it.....

but anywho knew st johns grads from 65, 66 knew there was something funny about those knew they repressed things..their behavior spoke volumes......

in fact, those of us who knew these guys really well were told by some of tjhese people what garv did but it was said in such a way as to make you think it was a part of being on those champ teams.....

hell, there were cops that played for garv...they didn't say a word.... he played for garv......he was not a good student...he went to wilson for 9nth grtade...and was on his way to academcy ;like his older brother but then garv stepped in and he went to prep...did he take entrance exam?

Hmmmmmm!!!!! what was the quid pro quo

the joke is that anything different was expectefrom erie.....only lost souls staywed in erie..never ventured beyond.....nepotism.....flourishes in erie..anywhere else...three chiefs of police with same last name would be laughable..only in erie....denial and no education, not one had a college degreee..dummiees......

look at the faggot preiest at prep.....jesus christ..duh!!

that walk of shame from wilson jr high school, head down, no books in hand, that dum,b ass look on the face...what aloser!!