Saturday, May 14, 2005

What's it all about?

For background on this story you can go to the official Erie DailyTimes-News website ( There, you can use the search mechanism (keyword: "WILLIAM P. GARVEY") to access a series of articles, beginning Oct. 10th, 2004, that the local paper ran reporting the first allegations regarding Garvey's molestation of boys, the subsequent investigation (which was squelched and never completed or made public), and his "retirement" with pay. I intend to address, in detail, this process and my dismay with the cover-up at some future date.

Other background can be obtained at this blog: ( This site features interesting posts commenting on the above news stories, and some ongoing discussion.

Last, and certainly most important, you can read the courageous book that broke this story and documents one man's abuse by Garvey. Never Let Me Go: A Portrait of Sexual Predation by Chuck Rosenthal is available from Red Hen Press (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jack: Thank you for creating this. Garvey's actions, and the silence that followed when they became public, must not be forgotten.

Matt: Not only should the Times have published their follow-up story, but, in my opinion, more media attention should have been paid to this, especially on a national level. Given the close-minded, corrupt nature of Erie's elite, this would've been the only way that the right questions would've been asked, and the proper sense of perspective given. The "story" is not just in Garvey's actions, but how he was aided and abetted over a period of four decades by a collection of selfish, small-minded, and equally guilty individuals.