Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The "Merci"-ad

On October 17th, 2004, the following ad was placed in the Erie Daily Times-News in response to allegations that Dr. William P. Garvey had sexually molested young men in the Erie area over a period of at least three decades. Below I have managed to reconstruct and finally post the entire text and list of signees that appeared in the newspaper that day.

Former Players And Alumni Support Dr. William Garvey

On October 10th the Erie Times-News ran a story which made serious allegations against one of Erie's most admired community leaders, Dr. William Garvey. Clearly, no one condones the kind of behavior contained in these allegations, and it is a reminder to all of us that the protection of our children is and should remain the most important priority in our community.

We were stunned and disheartened that these allegations were made against a man we all respect and admire, and since the article has appeared, Dr. Garvey has stated unequivocally that the allegations are false, and the trustees of Mercyhurst College have initiated an impartial review and have expressed their support for Dr. Garvey as he continues to lead the College as its president.

Thus far the community has heard from the Rosenthals and one other former player, Bruce Kennedy; and from two "street hustlers". Now it's time to hear from us, former players who played with Kennedy and the Rosenthals, and from other alumni who participated in the athletic program under Bill Garvey's tenure as athletic director.

We have known Bill Garvey as a coach and mentor. We have spent countless hours with him on and off the basketball court, and never has any one of us been treated in the manner described in these allegations, nor have we witnessed such behavior.

Bill Garvey has influenced every one of our lives in ways that will never get reported in the newspaper, ways that are profoundly important to us and to our families, to St. Johns and the Erie community. He raised our aspirations, greatly improved our chances in life, and in many ways is responsible for what we have achieved as parents, as professionals and citizens-- without ever asking for anything in return. We have all benefited from his coaching and guidance and generosity of spirit, all of which have been amply demonstrated in a brilliant career spanning more than 50 years.

Chuck Rosenthal has been quoted as saying that he's not motivated by money. If that is so, we would like to challenge him to donate all of the proceeds of his book, and all the proceeds that any ancillary rights and speaking engagements would generate, to a charity whose mission is child protection. The Bill Garvey we know is a man for whom we have the greatest respect and admiration.

Bill Dopierala, Paul D. Gambill, Marlene Smith, Mary Hoffman, Patty Bielinsky, Kevin Wagner, Tom Hoffman, Vernon L. Gambill, Jr., Jeanne Buettner, Keith Hardner, Dan Bukowski, Jim Sturm, Joe Tarasovitch, Stew Donoghue, Tim Nies, Bob Nies, Mike Fuhrman, Tim Holland, Rick Fessler, Barry Roach, Dave Kosobucki, Mike Buettner, Pat Fuhrman, Joe Fessler, Jim Stevenson, Jack Stevenson, Bob Stevenson, Bob Hoffman, Dan Scully, Jim Nies, John Nies, Jim Tarasovitch, John Chojnacki, Dan Chojnacki, John Maleno, Joseph T. Fries, Dave Cousart, Bruce Chrzanowski, Dan Shade, Tom Shade, Ted Kierzek, Kathi Hoffman, Greg Hoffman, Jane Ross, Cindy Zelenak, Michael G. Hoffman, Glenn Holland, Mary Ellen Lieb, Jim Lieb, Barry Sturm, Jeff Sturm, Bob Sturm, Becky Cornish, Phil Wittingham, Heidi Shrum Patterson, Linda A. Gambill, Steve Wiley, Clifton Dobbs III, Chris Rupp, Larry Feeney, Jim Feeney, Grove A. Blanchard, Jane Fuhrmann Wagner, Debra Tarasovitch, Gary Bukowski, Patty McCallion Ross, Heather Dopierala, Lou Fallon, Gary Wieczorek, Dave Wieczorek, Vince Haibach, Patty Winiarczyk, Leo Bennett, Ted Johnson, Raymond Johnson

I am curious. Who paid for this ad? How were these people chosen and subsequently solicited? Did anyone decline? Who? Why?

This ad appeared in The Erie Daily Times-News (10/17/04) one week after the allegations first appeared in that same newspaper. Since that time, Garvey has "retired" under questionable circumstances, the Mercyhurst College Board of Directors has prematurely terminated the investigation led by ex-judge Michael Palmisano, and any information collected by that investigation has been locked up and denied the light of day. Do you all still "unequivocally" support this man?

Some of my thoughts on this ad are contained in a portion of a previous post (see "At what price silence?", June 28, 2005).